Return Policy



If the product received presents manufacturer's defects of origin within 30 calendar days after receiving your purchase, we ask you to contact us immediately to our email, explaining in detail the problem presented, how we managed to replicate the failure, we suggest you attach photos of the state of the product. Our response time will be 3 to 7 calendar days and we will send you a prepaid waybill for the return shipment. In the meantime, we ask you to keep its box, accessories and instructions in the best conditions.

Likewise, before sending the product, we suggest you take pictures of the product and the packaging to ensure that we receive the product as you send it and thus avoid misunderstandings between you, the parcel service and us.

The product is subject to review by our quality team, and if required, we will send the product for repair. You may also request a replacement or refund of your purchase.

IMPORTANT: You must send the equipment in its original box, with original accessories and without passwords or accounts (if applicable), as it may delay the resolution and review of the device.